Wednesday, October 7, 2009

It's time to do revision now...

experimented by Miss LeoSMKDK

hello students, well since January you have already learned about so many things during your science lesson.

Well, I hope that you really understand what teachers have taught you in school.

You don't just learned science for the sake of sitting for an examination, or getting good grades on a piece of paper. You LEARNED SCIENCE so that you could apply it in your daily life....

It is already in the month of October right now, and you have about less than 1 month to cover all the 7 chapters.


for that, I wish all of you the best of luck.

In the coming post entries... I'm going to upload all the notes starting from chapter 1 until chapter 7.

Start doing your revision from now before it is too late.

Study smart. Answer a lot of practice test according to each sub-topics.

Till fingers meets keyboard again.


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